The International Confex 2020 Excel London is one of the largest event industry exhibitions in the UK with lots of suppliers, agency, hospitality, bands and so on. Besides, there are more than 100 industry-leading speakers and 75 seminar sections in the venue.
As Events Management master students at the University of Lincoln, we were so lucky to get the support from business school and began our journey.
When we study abroad in the university, it’s significant to know what our degree looks like in the real world.
Tips 1: Many exciting opportunities wait for you to explore when you study abroad.
Tips 2: Do a reflection after every experience and share with your friends.
My biggest take away from International Confex 2020:
1. Identify the skills gaps between industry and university

2. Time management: Categorises different tasks according to the level of importance and urgency

3. Don’t get stuck with spending money. Concentrate on what you want the event to be like.

4. Sustainability starts with the event team. Sharing knowledge in the industry and coming up ideas together could benefit the sustainable development of the event industry.

5. Create an emotional connection with the audience and use technology to personalise the customer journey. For example, Tomorrow Land cooperated with Brussels airline to extend the event and provide the audience with a unique journey.
I hope you enjoy my Vlog and reflection.
Comment below and tell me what you think.