Why do I study MSc Events Management?
The answer is “Passion”.
27.04.2016 Confessions on the dance floor

This is the first official event I ever held in my life. During my second year, I was the president of the dance society, TGC, in the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.
Apart from regular training and performances, holding a dance showcase is one of the most significant things for the president and the whole society. At that time, I did not have so much knowledge about the event. However, I have performed in a lot of events, concerts and television. Every time when I perform, I will observe what people are doing and how they manage the event.
Learning by doing and talking to different people.
From operation to finance to marketing
Recruit volunteers and form administration team
Control the quality of every performance: review twice a month and 3 rehearsal before the event day
Confirm event day and venue renting: communicate with the venue manager and university
line-up performing schedule: based on a different style of dancing and considering the overlap of different performers
Process different documents: legitimacy, risk assessment
Stage design, Lighting setting, music editing, costume
Photo and video shooting volunteers

Get sponsorships: funding, makeup and printing sponsor
Cash flow and balance sheet control
Ticket distribution: free ticket but need to control the amount of audience
Claim for costume, guest transportation, etc.

Pre-event showcase
Marketing video and posters
Social media advertising
PR with different departments in the university and alumni and guest performers
Backdrops and tickets design

Time management
At the same time, I need to do choreography for a group of 7 people and join another 4 dance performances.
(music editing, choreography, staging, formation, lighting, costume)
To be honest, this period is crazily busy and time management is extremely important. Finally, the event turned out to be such a successful event with 70 staff & performers and 500 audiences.

Without hesitations, I could not finish it without my amazing administrative team and their trust towards me. I can never forget the feeling of success when the whole event finished. Until now, I am still very impressive and proud of myself holding such a great event.
However, I could have done it in a more structured way with literature and implemented more creative methods. I am eager to learn more about the event industry.

Passion: To be continued
I guess this is one of the most important reasons why I choose MSc Events Management at the University of Lincoln — Passion.