The course and mindmap page covers different marketing knowledge, from strategy, branding, website design, email campaign, SEO, PPC, social media, PR and agency management as well as data analysis and finance. Through taking online courses and joining conferences, I did reflections and made mindmaps on some of the key points.
I joined the world’s largest online marketing event in 2021 – Ad World Conference and I did a review mindmap on SEO presentations by Aarohi Surya Hassan Aanbar Manick B.
My key takeaways:
1. Leverage online community to improve SEO by Aarohi Surya
2. Solve technical issues on the website first then deal with the content audit and research by Hassan Aanbar
3. Search factor dominance change over time. Authority -; Content + and page experience + by Manick B.

Email Marketing
I did a LinkedIn Learning course ‘Writing Emails People Want to Read’ by Samantha Bennett
Email marketing is a great way to nurture the relationship with customers while there might not be many people actually reading the email. I have always wanted to learn how to write make an effective email campaign and I did this useful course.

Data Analysis
As a marketer, data analysis is such an important hard skill to guide us to make decisions based on facts. No matter in Google Analytics, Google Ads, LinkedIn ads or other platforms, data is everywhere. Hence, I joined the course “Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere” made by Google professional training program in Coursera for 6 weeks.
Here are my biggest takeaways from the course:
1. Having a #technicalmindset is essential for data analysis. Break things down into smaller steps or pieces and work with them in a logical way.
2. Being able to see the big picture as well as the details. Understanding macro and microenvironment. What’s happening in the world and how would they change the customers’ buying desire.
3. The data analysis process is part of the #datalifecycle. They are both similar to the #projectmanagement process.
4. Some interesting apps such as SQL (a language that lets data analysts communicate with database), Tableau and Looker (data visualisation tools)
5. Root cause and #gapanalysis are essential for #analyticalthinking Use #5whys to reveal the root cause. Examine and evaluate how a process works currently to get where you want to be in the future.

Financial Basics Everyone Should Know
I have done a course, financial basics everyone should know by Michael McDonald. It’s so important to learn some financial knowledge not only for our career but also for personal investment.
Here are my biggest takeaways from the course:
- A few websites to get the information of stock: seekingalpha.com; CNBC; Nasdaq.com; yahoo.finance
- Diversify investment porfolio and do long-term investment: stock returns have average return of 11.3% from 1928 to 2018
- Understand the key terms in investment such as dividend, allocation, expected ratio of return and figure out the difference between types of investment including stock, mutual fund, ETF and bonds

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