The book review page contains part of the books that I have been reading covering different areas including marketing, branding, finance, psychology and self-development.
Building a storybrand by Donald Miller
This book gives me a refreshing perspective of messaging and branding. SB7 framework is really practical and I try to use this framework to create a brand script. When there are so many messages in the market, communicating simply and clearly is the key to catch customers’ attention.
– Delivering messages that help clients survive and thrive
– Conserving calories of readers. Convey a simple and clear message

Buyology by Martin Lindstrom
“A historic meeting between science and marketing.” — Buyology by Martin Lindstrom
Buyology adopted a scientific measure fMRI(Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to analyse people’s brains X-Ray responding to different advertisements in terms of messaging, product placements, mirror neurons, ritual, faith, religion, somatic markers and senses.
I am surprised by so many tricks and traps in the advertising mentioned in this book. For example:
– The cigarette warning labels actually encourage smokers to light up.
– Marlboro offers bars financial incentives to make the venue similar to the brand without showing its logo.
– Andrex toilet rolls use a puppy mascot which proves the power of somatic markers.
– ‘Got Milk?’ had chocolate chips and cookie butter smell before which got complaints about allergic reactions.
It’s really worth a read. The book makes me not only reflect on my work in marketing but also think more rational when I buy things.