2020 has been an unexpected year with the pandemic and the lockdown. I think most of us have gone through the period of frustration, change and reborn. When life does not always follow what we plan, we should be open-minded to these external circumstances and not give up any opportunity to pursue self-development. For me, I have embraced these changes and have grown incredibly during 2020. In this blog post, I will share 5 lessons that I have learnt from 2020 and provide helpful advice to you regarding self-development, academic study, time management, mental health.
- How to live on your own happily
- Academic is tough, but it is rewarding
- Be proactive to every opportunity
- Take care of your mental health
- Sharing is amazing
1. How to live on your own happily
Due to COVID-19, I have stayed alone in my room for almost 5 months. In the beginning, I was almost going crazy and it lasted probably for a week. Especially, our course all went online suddenly and our event, Eventure (which we have prepared for a whole term) has been cancelled.
However, there was a day that I changed my attitude completely. I started reading the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The first habit is to teach us to be proactive. If we can’t change the context then what we can change is ourselves. I started making a clear goal for the lockdown period and a daily routine every day. The biggest question on my mind is “how to make full use of my time alone during the lockdown?”

As a postgraduate, our priority is to finish all our assignments and dissertation. Apart from this, I have begun with the end on my mind: “what will happen after my graduation? Go back to China or stay in the UK?”. Imagining the destination that I want to go for and started taking action from that time. I found many online events opportunities online courses to join in such as Inbound Marketing (Hubspot), The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing and Google Analytics for Beginners (Google).

Here are some suggestions for living on your own:
- Begin with the end of your mind and set up weekly, monthly, yearly goal
- Make a to-do list every day to plan your time
- Read a book when you are bored
- Do some online courses related to self-development
- Take care of your mental health and find a time to relax
- Go out for a run
- Video call your friend or your family
2. Academic is tough but it is rewarding
I have made a 100% effort in every assignment during my master’s degree. It is tough to do a lot of research and read mountains of academic journals. However, I think this is the value of the master’s degree. Learn the subject and find out the interesting fact by yourself with lecturer’s guidance and lots of reading.
Since my bachelor’s degree is Cambodia literature and language, I didn’t have any business background when I come to study a master’s degree in Lincoln International Business School. I don’t even have an idea of what event project plan is, how to make a strategy for a company, how to analyse the financial health of each organisation, how to build my own website, etc.
Events management is not only about events. It is similar to manage an enterprise which covers marketing, operation and finance. Hence, the courses that we learn to cover these areas in depth. Here are the courses that I have learnt during my master’s degree:
- Innovation and Event Creativity
- Event Design and Implementation
- Sustainability of Tourism and Events
- Management the Tourism and Event Enterprise
- Digital Marketing
- Strategy Making
- Research Methods and Design
- Art, Performance and Society
- Advanced French Business, Culture and Society 6
- Core French Business, Culture and Society 5
- Award: Lincoln Award and Global Certificate Golden Prize
These courses have a great influence on my career. I not only gain a deep understanding of event including choosing a venue, making event budget, doing event marketing, but also learn about how to set up an enterprise, analyse big organisation’s strategy such as Shell and Microsoft and make 3 years’ financial forecast in a company.
In my dissertation, I have interviewed 10 event specialists from the UK, China, US and Europe to gather primary information on how the event organisations deal with COVID-19. My topic is “the culture of change in the events industry during COVID-19” with main themes of technology, audience engagement, employment and change management. Here are the main research questions:
- How technology changes in events during and after the COVID-19 pandemic?
- How is the event audience engagement affected by the latest change of technology?
- How adaptable is the change and how capable are the event firms to manage change? What is the most appropriate way to change?
- What are the new skills required in events employability in the next ‘new normal’ after the pandemic?
- What is the culture of change in the event industry under the COVID-19 pandemic?

Based on a large amount of the academic resources (books, journals) and primary research interview with the event specialists, I have gained an insight into the events industry and come up with answers to these research questions. This is such a great rewarding process. By talking with different events specialists, it is not only helpful to my research study but also helps me reflect on my career. I could not appreciate enough my supervisor, Andrew Suddaby, for supporting me and giving me valuable guidance during the 6-month research process. If you are interested in my research study, please comment below or contact me on LinkedIn.
3. Be proactive to every opportunity
Before I came to university, I have set a goal of optimising my master’s degree. Whether it is an academic or extracurricular activity, I have been proactive in every opportunity around me. Before the lockdown happened, I have been very lucky to join International Confex Excel London 2020, JISC Digifest in ICC Birmingham and Global Week. For my passion, dancing, I have participated in Greece In10sivemaster Camp, DMU Dance Competition and Lincoln Dance Competition and got a third prize and first prize. By joining these events, I have made many friends and have broadened my horizons across different areas such as events, digital marketing, dancing, etc. Surprisingly, I have even gained my Golden Award for Global Certificate.

When lockdown came, there have been many virtual events happening. These events have broken the limitation of time and space, which allows us to join the events no matter wherever and whenever we are. After my TEDx Talk happened in 2019, I got many invitations to do public speaking this year:
- Joined a panel discussion with the Global Head of SIEMENS, Digital Engagement and Digital Capabilities: Be Ready for the Next Normal
- Shared experience of online learning on UVIC UniFair Livestream Event

- Shared experience of studying abroad on A Long Way from Home – Thriving or Surviving

- Presented in Learning and Teaching Conference at the University of Lincoln on the topic of Digital Capabilities and Learning Gain

- Discussed diversity in RE: ACTION – Let’s Make the Invisible Visible held by TG Consulting Ltd

- Recorded a Podcast, The Student Session hosted by Tonia Galati in TG Consulting Ltd
- Presented to students in China about how to fit in with British Education and remote learning experience (26:45-58:00)
- Recorded ‘why not be open-minded’ for the University of Lincoln
With so many furlough and unemployment during COVID-19, I have been very lucky to be recruited by Archmon as a marketing intern for 9 weeks, which has given me a deeper understanding of marketing landscape in the UK, improved my marketing capabilities and broadened my networking connections. I have published an article, 5 Discoveries as A New Entrant in Digital Marketing Industry.
What lasts, won’t come easy. If you put in the effort, you will reap the award.
I have completed all 3 tasks and obtained a great achievement!
- Finished my internship in Archmon successfully with a high compliment from the founder
- Submitted my dissertation in time, finished my master degree and achieved distinction
- Secured a permanent job with a 5-year skilled worker visa in Harford Control

However, as I shared on my Facebook, I have sent out 100+ CV and application. All I can get were rejections or no response. Especially, few companies wanted to hire an international student who needs a visa sponsorship.
Since I have presented in many events, I have gained my reputation in the university. I contacted the lecturers that I know to see if there was any recruitment. The miracles came to me. A lecturer who I knew from “Women in the businesses” replied my email and said there were unlisted opportunities. Suddenly, after 2 interviews, there were two offers in my hand. In the end, I was very grateful to become a member of Harford Control and I have been working there for almost three months now. I really enjoy working in this company, which I can make full use of my skills and also learn something new and useful in my career.

Here are some tips for postgraduates for securing a job in the UK:
- Be proactive to join different events at the university no matter virtual or f2f events
- Build up networking connections with lecturers, students and different organisations in the university
- Don’t be afraid to ask people. If you don’t ask, you won’t get the chance
- Don’t give up so easily. If you believe that you can do it, then you can do it. Give yourself some confidence
4. Take care of your mental health
The lockdown could make us feel overwhelmed. Staying at home all the time and don’t really have chance to talk to people. The most stressful period for me in 2020 was doing 3 important things at the same time in September and October: doing my internship in Archmon, writing my dissertation and finding a permanent job. My mental health was not very well during March and October.
However, when I feel myself not in the right mode, I will stop doing things and go out for a run. Breathing some fresh air and sweating makes me much better and refreshing. I feel much happier, more energetic and creative after running. Every day, I went to West Common for 50 minutes running at 5 pm during the lockdown and continued to work in the evening. Getting close to nature is breathtaking and really helpful for our mental health.

I have also joined different online coffee catch held by the Global Lounge at the University of Lincoln and online dancing classes. Talking to people really makes me feel better and keep on my passion in life. Dancing is something that can make me find myself and listen to myself. I like the connection between my body movement and music, which is one of the most fantastic things for me in the world. During the lockdown, I have joined almost 30 dancing classes online and I have chosen 10 that I really love which is posted on my Instagram. Take a look at it!
Here are some suggestions for taking care of mental health:
- Go out for a running and sweating when you feel not very well
- Keep on doing your hobby every week because that is the thing which really makes you happy
- Make time to nature and enjoy some fresh air
- Talk to people when you are not feeling well online or F2F
5. Sharing is amazing
In 2020, I have become an influencer, blogger and vlogger. I found my new passion for shooting video and vlogging. By creating my YouTube channel and this website, I have made several categories of video including:
- Events’ vlogging
- Experience sharing
- Dance video
- Language teaching
I am also very lucky to get the support from the university who has shared my video among the university. By making these videos, I have:
- Shared the suggestion of studying abroad in the UK with international students
- Shared how do I adapt to online learning during lockdown with LIBS students
- Shared job-hunting advice with graduates and post-graduates
- Shared my event experience with LIBS

I have gained a lot of enquiries through these videos and I found the fulfilment of helping others and providing them suggestions. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel. In 2021, I will continue to create more valuable videos!
My favourite book in 2020: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
My biggest achievement in 2020
- Dissertation: Distinction
- Master’s degree: Distinction
- Internship in Archmon
- Permanent position in Harford Control
- KOL, Influencer, Blogger, Vlogger
My timeline in 2020

Thanks for reading my post. Please feel free to comment on this post and follow my LinkedIn and YouTube channel.
Looking forward to the next chapter!!
You are an amazing girl, I love your post.